WHOA! I recently had the pleasure of working with the new "TRX Rip Trainer" at the American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Summit last week. From a corporate and injury prevention standpoint, I was VERY impressed with the applications of the TRX Rip and its scalability which allows you to go from a rehab application to high-end fitness training for elite athletes all within seconds. We are rolling the TRX Rip System into our corporate wellness business and expect excellent results. It's a nice tool, and beyond, I really thought TRX did a great job with the educational instruction and safety cueing as well. Nice product. I am really enjoying it and am happy to recommend this product.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Egg Whites
For those of you needing a good quality "non-meat" protein source that is easy to store and consume, Egg Whites International is a nice option. I have used this product and recommended it to my corporate clients. We have all been pleased. It will ship frozen to your doorstep in a timely manner. You can buy the larger gallon size for best value, or get the more space conservative half gallon containers. The pump delivers a measured "one egg white" of volume.
The egg whites are pasteurized, so you don't need to cook these egg whites. They are not "slimy" like regular egg whites so easy to put into a smoothie or post-exercise protein shake. My orders seem to stay fresh about two months, but most will probably consume in less time.
If you're struggling to find a quality protein source that is both quick and easy to use, I think you'll be pleased with this product. Enjoy--more muscle and cleaner protein! --RJ
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Functional Movement Screen Kit Bag

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Kit is a nice system for fitness specialists, but it’s a pain to carry around especially if you are loading it into a car over and over—and expensive to replace if damaged. I spent months trying to find a good bag or case system, and nothing fit well. I finally found a tool bag that fits the FMS perfectly—like a glove! At only about $50, the bag is also reasonably priced compared to snow board or ski bags that are too bulky and far more expensive.
DeWalt makes this bag for shop tools,
but we now know it’s really the perfect FMS Kit carrying case!
but we now know it’s really the perfect FMS Kit carrying case!
Internal Velcro straps secure the kit from falling out. The bag also has a webbing handles, shoulder carrying strap, and small Velcro pouch on outside for personal belongings. The zipper works well without sticking. The bag construction is sufficient for the lightweight FMS Kit. Save your kit from damage and save money—buy this bag, and keep your kit covered!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Health From the Ground Up Workbook
I just posted my new Foot Fitness workbook! I'm really excited about it. I know it will help people with their feet.
The focus of my workbook is on the everyday person that wants have healthier feet and shoes. While my colleagues in fitness and health can also benefit--the workbook is not written in a complex or clinical language. My final assessment is what people do with their fitness and food when I am NOT in the room.
If the information is easy to understand and practical—more will engage with healthier options on their own which is my goal.
When it comes to health and fitness, I want everyone to play. I hope the workbook helps people to simply stand, walk, and move through life...with better “health from the ground up.” --Ron Jones
View "Health From the Ground Up: A Practical Guide to Feet, Ankles, & Shoes" by Ron Jones
The focus of my workbook is on the everyday person that wants have healthier feet and shoes. While my colleagues in fitness and health can also benefit--the workbook is not written in a complex or clinical language. My final assessment is what people do with their fitness and food when I am NOT in the room.
If the information is easy to understand and practical—more will engage with healthier options on their own which is my goal.
When it comes to health and fitness, I want everyone to play. I hope the workbook helps people to simply stand, walk, and move through life...with better “health from the ground up.” --Ron Jones
View "Health From the Ground Up: A Practical Guide to Feet, Ankles, & Shoes" by Ron Jones
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Fit Formula with Ron Jones
I've joined forces with some other fitness professionals in the US and UK to put out a new book called "The Fit Formula." We all brought our best game to the table. I brought my secrets to kick starting the rest of your life with regular exercise through The Lean Berets 30X30 Challenge. It's my bottom line. The best that I've got to get people moving. I know it will help those that are ready to begin but don't know where.
You'll find my new chapter in the Mindset section under
"Igniting Shifts to Solutions: 30 Minutes for 30 Days!"
"Igniting Shifts to Solutions: 30 Minutes for 30 Days!"
Enjoy--a life of MOVEment.
--Ron Jones, MS, RKC, Corporate Wellcoach
--Ron Jones, MS, RKC, Corporate Wellcoach
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Barefoot Running Safety & Start Up
After years of working on my own fitness from my feet up, I did my first actual "barefoot" run last week on pavement and concrete. It did not last long—only 1/4 of a mile which was PLENTY! I need to share some comments on barefoot running—and running in the VFFs (Vibram Five Fingers) or any other minimalist shoe such as the New Balance Minimus Trail and others out or that will be coming out soon…to keep everyone informed and safe.
I have said for a few years there are many benefits to increasing your "foot fitness" with barefoot walking around the house, barefoot workouts especially with ballistic power activities like kettlebells or martial arts, and just generally increasing the fitness from the ground up. I have always stopped short of actually recommending "barefoot running" (or running in VFFs) although often report on the developments of this trend regarding injury prevention, shoe design trends, etc.
Please take note—there is a HUGE difference between walking barefoot and actually running barefoot or running with minimalist shoes! Make no mistake—running barefoot is serious foot fitness! I've got a friend really into barefoot running. His recommendation even for me with years of barefoot walking and kettlebell training was to limit my initial barefoot run to just 1/4 of a mile—no more! While that sounds insignificant, I can tell you it is not. After only 1/4 of a mile, my feet were sore that evening.
From a safety perspective, there are some serious injuries that can occur if you just go out without a build up process and start running without shoes. To be honest—the result will not be good. Actual barefoot running (No VFFs or shoes of any kind) can cause serious burns, abrasions, and other biomechanical issues sometimes in less than ONE MILE. Bypassing the safety recommendations can likely put you in the hospital or at least in the podiatrist office treating the wounds on your feet.
I've been reading and hearing about some overuse injuries from hitting the pavement unshod without the proper preparation, so again, while I don't actually recommend that people run in bare feet or minimalist shoes, if you do, please limit the exposure and have plenty of practice just walking for MONTHS before you ever actually run. If you do start running completely barefoot, don't go over 1/4 of a mile to start and never begin on hot pavement!!! What I do recommend is that people run with a Nike Free shoe or equivalent because this is a "step" in the right direction as these shoes are more flexible. Even with the Nike Frees, you have to gradually increase your exposure because your feet will be working much harder than with traditional running shoes. I also like people to walk in the Nike Free shoes because everyone so far that I've had buy these has reported less or no foot pain. Flexible shoes in general are better for feet. While there are going to be a few exceptions, I've seen great results when people were more flexible shoes—sometimes the very first day.
If you want to learn about barefoot running from a really knowledgeable source, Michael Sandler, the author of "Barefoot Running" and foot force behind the RunBare.com website, is doing numerous FREE clinics in the SoCal area in June before heading to NorCal in early July. I will be attending at least one of them—the one at Adventure 16 in West LA or Runnergy in Sherman Oaks. The clinic links are below:
I'm also launching a new "Foot Fitness" workshop in June. While not a specific workshop on barefoot running, I will address the topic, barefoot and shoe trends, and make some recommendations. My workshop will be focused on the general fitness of the foot and ankle regarding Z-Health mobility drills, how to use some valuable therapy tools for correcting plantar fasciitis, and how to determine "foot-friendly" shoes.
For more on what I've up to in the world of feet, here's my Foot Fitness section:
Take care of your feet, and when it comes to feet especially, safety first! If you do want to run with completely bare feet, that's fine and your choice—just understand the potential risk if you are not prepared or exceed your body's capacity for the extra challenges.
In Health, Coach RJ
I have said for a few years there are many benefits to increasing your "foot fitness" with barefoot walking around the house, barefoot workouts especially with ballistic power activities like kettlebells or martial arts, and just generally increasing the fitness from the ground up. I have always stopped short of actually recommending "barefoot running" (or running in VFFs) although often report on the developments of this trend regarding injury prevention, shoe design trends, etc.
Please take note—there is a HUGE difference between walking barefoot and actually running barefoot or running with minimalist shoes! Make no mistake—running barefoot is serious foot fitness! I've got a friend really into barefoot running. His recommendation even for me with years of barefoot walking and kettlebell training was to limit my initial barefoot run to just 1/4 of a mile—no more! While that sounds insignificant, I can tell you it is not. After only 1/4 of a mile, my feet were sore that evening.
From a safety perspective, there are some serious injuries that can occur if you just go out without a build up process and start running without shoes. To be honest—the result will not be good. Actual barefoot running (No VFFs or shoes of any kind) can cause serious burns, abrasions, and other biomechanical issues sometimes in less than ONE MILE. Bypassing the safety recommendations can likely put you in the hospital or at least in the podiatrist office treating the wounds on your feet.
I've been reading and hearing about some overuse injuries from hitting the pavement unshod without the proper preparation, so again, while I don't actually recommend that people run in bare feet or minimalist shoes, if you do, please limit the exposure and have plenty of practice just walking for MONTHS before you ever actually run. If you do start running completely barefoot, don't go over 1/4 of a mile to start and never begin on hot pavement!!! What I do recommend is that people run with a Nike Free shoe or equivalent because this is a "step" in the right direction as these shoes are more flexible. Even with the Nike Frees, you have to gradually increase your exposure because your feet will be working much harder than with traditional running shoes. I also like people to walk in the Nike Free shoes because everyone so far that I've had buy these has reported less or no foot pain. Flexible shoes in general are better for feet. While there are going to be a few exceptions, I've seen great results when people were more flexible shoes—sometimes the very first day.
If you want to learn about barefoot running from a really knowledgeable source, Michael Sandler, the author of "Barefoot Running" and foot force behind the RunBare.com website, is doing numerous FREE clinics in the SoCal area in June before heading to NorCal in early July. I will be attending at least one of them—the one at Adventure 16 in West LA or Runnergy in Sherman Oaks. The clinic links are below:
I'm also launching a new "Foot Fitness" workshop in June. While not a specific workshop on barefoot running, I will address the topic, barefoot and shoe trends, and make some recommendations. My workshop will be focused on the general fitness of the foot and ankle regarding Z-Health mobility drills, how to use some valuable therapy tools for correcting plantar fasciitis, and how to determine "foot-friendly" shoes.
For more on what I've up to in the world of feet, here's my Foot Fitness section:
Take care of your feet, and when it comes to feet especially, safety first! If you do want to run with completely bare feet, that's fine and your choice—just understand the potential risk if you are not prepared or exceed your body's capacity for the extra challenges.
In Health, Coach RJ
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Embrace Your Range-Over 40 Female Fitness & Nutrition
I attended the 2011 American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Summit this spring in Anaheim. I was fortunate to hear Dr. Liz Applegate, Director of Sports Nutrition at UC Davis present again on nutrition. She is one of the top sport nutritionist in the country. She had some great updates specifically for women 40+ that I'd like to pass along. She will likely be sharing some more formalized reports on her study with this age group, but this is a nice preview for now. I have followed her work for years. She is an excellent reference--heck of an athlete too! The following is based on a pilot group she worked with in Davis, CA plus decades of experience working with all categories of women.
General Observations & Recommendations: Women are very social and respond better to weight loss when they have a social support structure whether it be routine personal group meetings, blogs, e-mails, or other modes of contact and support. In Western culture, women are dissatistified with body shape as they age. Her position is for the 40+ woman to "embrace her range" meaning that there is not "one" ideal body weight for every woman of a specific height and that "health" should be the focus rather than weight alone. There are natural and genetic shifts with fat distribution as a woman ages--rather than fight--embrace and work to age healthfully.
Controlling Abdominal Fat: These are researched-based recommendations for controlling fat specifically in the abdominal areas of women over forty.
Exercise & Abdominal Fat: Fat cells have been shown to shrink with about 60 minutes of regular exercise per day. An important exercise message repeated throughout the conference was the benefit of consistency over time when it comes to not only weight management, but also health in general. There are certain types of exercise that have more fat burning effects than others, but I will be getting more into those with future posts as Dr. Applegate's presentation focused more on the nutritional management of abdominal fat. More and more research is pointing towards the benefits of strength training for weight management and optimizing metabolism. Ideally if a woman wants to control abdominal fat after forty efficiently with exercise as one option, she needs to be getting 2-3x strength sessions per week (higher rep and lighter weight fine for beginners), higher heart rate training sessions, and doing about 60-90 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per day. *There are some interval protocols that can cut down the time to under 60 minutes total workout time, so look for future posts on these updates.
Eating Plan for Controlling Abdominal Fat: In addition to the main four points below, caution was given about alcohol consumption in this age group which can exceed 2-3 servings per day. Alcohol creates specific abdominal fat gain issues as it promotes fat production especially around the waist...just something you should be aware of regarding alcohol.
- Protein @ Every Meal: (70-90 gm/day) To optimize weight loss, 20-25% of your calories per day should be from protein. Think about 25% of your plate at every meal--or 15 minutes of a clock.
- Eat Whole Grains ALWAYS! At least 3 servings per day. Whole grains are more than just whole wheat! There are many very healthy alternative grains like quinoa, freekeh, amaranth, black rice, and more.
- Eat 3 Cups Veggies & 3 Pieces of Fruit DAILY: Fruit consumption (normal not excessive) has been shown to decrease weight gain over time. Beans were really underscored as a very healthy fruit that women should be eating to reduce abdominal fat. Get at least 3 different colors per day of fruit and veggies.
- Daily Dairy + Probiotics: Yogurt has been shown to block some calorie absorption. There are some healthier yogurt options like Greek and Kefir. 1 out of 2 women will suffer from osteo/bone problems, and women can lose 2-6" of height over 30 years!
So these were the basic recommendations for women 40+ at this specific presentation. Get some social support for your weight management and exercise. Be careful of excessive alcohol because it directly contributes to belly fat. Pump up your exercise--be regular over time. Be sure to strength train. Get your heart rates up too! Get enough protein, whole grains, fruits/veggies and take care of bone health with dairy and probiotics...and don't forget to "Embrace Your Range" too!
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