Thursday, January 29, 2009

30X30: Day 27

5x5 is all you need to stay alive and stay fit!

Mood: 7 since I'm not in a warzone with people shooting at me...I've got it EASY compared to our do most of you reading this post.

Workout: Some demo KB reps this morning with my people then tonight a KB throwdown for the troops performing a SSST of 200 reps with 16kg in under ten minutes. Followed up with some 24kg overhead lockout walkarounds, 24kg TGUs, 24kg grind sets of clean and press. Did a few deadlifts before I started to work the groove plus a few minutes of warm up tonight to get going.

Total Time: 45+ minutes

Comments: It's amazing what a person can DO when they want to WORK. My military friend wrote. I asked her how much space she had in her quarters to exercise since she wants to get my help in designing space conservative workouts. She's got a 5x5 area. Five feet by five feet. 25 square. I decided that to really understand what 5x5 is like, I needed to step off this space and use it for a workout tonight. See photo above. This is all you need to get it on. That's it!

Give me body weight and one kettlebell--I could keep busy the rest of my life! Connecting with the military has been one of the best things that happened to me as a Wellcoach and fitness pro. It has recalibrated my idea of what people really "need" vs. what they just "want" to stay in shape. For years, I've heard people say they need this and they need that...then someone writes in Iraq with 5x5 of space, body weight, and one set of dumbbells with a desire to expand with one kettlebell...and she's getting it on!

People hide behind equipment--it's just another BS excuse to be lazy and not work. There are two trends in exercise emerging. One is super high tech with computer interface equipment telling you what to do i.e. sets, reps, etc. The other is to simplify and get more efficient in terms of function and cost. You don't need more computer technology to get in shape. You need a 5x5 space and your body weight. If you want to workout and be healthy--YOU WILL. If you want to make more BS excuses and keep stalling while America continues the destructive path of epidemic obesity and diabetes--you will. I keep it simple and keep the sweat. Blue collar. NO BS. Get it on. That's it. In Strength, Coach RJ

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